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Legal Disclosure


Information in accordance with Section 5 TMG: 

Leonie Stratmann (registered artist name: Leo Will)
In der Schwalge 1

32839 Steinheim

USt-IdNr: DE293467268

Contact Information

Tel.: +49 176 213 716 22


Graphics and Image Sources


Thank you to all designers, photo- and videographers that shared their work! If you know any of the following information to be incorrect, please contact us.


  • Grimarika | Goodfon (golden page background)

  • Svetlana & Eduard Priest's Private Archives (Leo Will Duo)

  • Steffi Schmidt | Pixadora (Leo Will & James Simpson)

  • Steffi Schmidt | Pixadora (Leo Will close-up)

  • Wix Media (background Live)

  • Ina Richter | Fahrtgastfernsehen Hannover (background contact form | Leo Will writing)

For individual photo credits in the gallery, please click on the photo.

For individual video credits, please click on the video.


  • Steffi Schmidt | Pixadora (background Ausbildung | Leo Will portrait)

  • Tim Grondstein (background Bühnenkarriere | Leo Will on stage)

  • Leo Will's private archives (background Pädagogische Tätigkeit | Leo Will + Instrumentenshow)

  • Steffi Schmidt | Pixadora (background Sonstiges | Leo Will portrait)


  • Jonathan Velasquez | Unsplash (page background)

Buchen - Allgemein​

  • William Morris (page background)

  • TBA | Edward Wade's Private Archives (Leo Will & Edward Wade)

  • Wolfgang Stratmann (Leo Will & Band)

  • Steffi Schmidt | Pixadora (Leo Will & James Simpson)

Buchen - Konzert​

  • Paul Green | Unsplash (page background)

  • Uwe Kriemichen (reviews background | Leo Will & Band + Audience)

  • Jan Duijnisveld (Leo Will live)

  • Frank Hermann (Leo Will & Stephan Abel Band)

  • Wix Media (stage)

Buchen - Kunst​

  • William Morris (page background)

  • Frank Fautz (Wolfgang Stratmann & Leo Will)

  • Uwe Kriemichen (reviews background | Leo Will & Band + Audience)

  • Axel Czypionka (Leo Will)

All other artwork on this page is by Wolfgang Stratmann

Buchen - Event​

  • William Morris (page background)

  • TBA | Edward Wade's Private Archives (Leo Will & Edward Wade)

  • Oliver Vosshage (Leo Will & James Simpson)

  • Wohnungsgenossenschaft Heimkehr e.G. (Leo Will)

Buchen - Hochzeit​

  • William Morris (page background)

  • Private Archives (wedding collage)

  • TBA | Edward Wade's Private Archives (Leo Will & Edward Wade)

  • Svetlana & Eduard Priest's Private Archives (Leo Will & James Simpson)

Musik zur Trauung

  • Steffi Schmidt | Pixadora (Leo Will) + (frame)

Buchen - Taufe​

  • Manu Schwendener (page background)

  • Free Stock Photo (dividers)

  • Adobe Stock (background Buchungsanfrage)

Buchen - Trauerfeier​

  • Wix Media (page background | forest)

Musik zur Trauerfeier

  • Wix Media (page background | forest)

Buchen - Unterricht​

  • Ana Babii | shutterstock (page background)

  • Bernd Mummenthey (Leo Will)

  • Free Stock Photo (workshop)


  • Wix Media (page background | handshake)

Imprint / Data Protection Policy

  • Sudith Xavier (page background)​

404 Error Page

  • Grimarika | Goodfon (page background)



Accountability for content

The contents of our pages have been created with the utmost care. However, we cannot guarantee the contents' accuracy, completeness or topicality. According to statutory provisions, we are furthermore responsible for our own content on these web pages. In this matter, please note that we are not obliged to monitor the transmitted or saved information of third parties, or investigate circumstances pointing to illegal activity. Our obligations to remove or block the use of information under generally applicable laws remain unaffected by this as per §§ 8 to 10 of the Telemedia Act (TMG). 

Accountability for links

Responsibility for the content of external links (to web pages of third parties) lies solely with the operators of the linked pages. No violations were evident to us at the time of linking. Should any legal infringement become known to us, we will remove the respective link immediately.


Our web pages and their contents are subject to German copyright law. Unless expressly permitted by law, every form of utilizing, reproducing or processing works subject to copyright protection on our web pages requires the prior consent of the respective owner of the rights. Individual reproductions of a work are only allowed for private use. The materials from these pages are copyrighted and any unauthorized use may violate copyright laws. 

Quelle: translate-24h Englisch Übersetzungen 

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Tags zum Inhalt dieser Seite: Leo Will, Leonie Will, Leonie Stratmann, Newcomer, Künstler, Künstlerin, Live-Musik, Livemusik, Live-Band, Liveband, Live-Duo, Duo, Musikprogramm, Sängerin, Sänger, Gesang, Soul, Soulsängerin, Jazz, Jazzsängerin, Blues, Bluessängerin, Pop, Popsängerin, Deutschpop, Singer-Songwriter, RnB, R&B, Folk, Adult Contemporary, Deutsch, Englisch, Songwriting, Fotos, Bilder, Lyrics, Texte, Songtext, Musikvideo, Video, Hörprobe, anspruchsvoll, professionell, Profi, handgemacht, Cover-Band, Coverband, Hintergrundmusik, Partymusik, Partyband, DJ, DJ mit Sängerin, Konzert, RTL, Promi Undercover Boss, Angelo Kelly, Buchen, Booking, Agentur, Eventagentur, Künstleragentur, Konzerttermine, Termine, Auftritte, Release, Album, Aufnahmen, eigene Songs, Schwebda, Meinhard, Wanfried, Eschwege, Reichensachsen, Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Schloss Wolfsbrunnen, Bad Hersfeld, Mühlhausen, Eisenach, Erfurt, Kassel, Göttingen, Hannover, Detmold, Paderborn, Bad Driburg, Nieheim, Steinheim, Höxter, Bielefeld, Osnabrück, Deutschland, deutschlandweit, bundesweit, Hessen, Thüringen, Niedersachsen, NRW, Westfalen, Werra-Meißner-Kreis, 

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